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Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Consolida ajacis - (L.) schur.
Family Ranunculaceae
Common Name Larkspur, rocket larkspur
Habit Herb
Synonym Delphinium ajacis
Habitat Garden
Color Of Flower Purple, many colors
Key Characters Annual, erect herb with alternate or opposite leaves, flowers zygomorphic
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect herb, up to 70 cm tall; leaves, alternate, exstipulate, palmately lobed, lobes linear to elliptic, entire, acuminate; inflorescence raceme or panicle; flowers blue, white or purple, zygomorphic; bracteate and bracteolate; sepals 5, free or coherent at the base, petaloid, odd sepal posterior, prolonged into a long spur; petals 2-4, small, gamopetalous, the posterior one hooded and drawn within spur of the sepal; stamens numerous, spirally arranged, filaments slender, anthers dithecous; ovary densely pubescent, unilocular with numerous ovules on marginal placenta, style short, curved, stigma simple or capitate, hairy; fruit follicles; seeds wrinkled. |