Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Sida cordifolia - L.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Kungi, Khareti, Country Mallow
Habit Herb
Synonym Sida rotundifolia Lam.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Pale yellow
Key Characters Mericarps with long awns, protruding out of calyx
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial, small, erect herb or downy undershrub; stems, petioles and pedicels with minute stellate and simple hairs; leaves cordate, oblong, obtuse, crenate, tomentose; petiole as long as the leaf; stipules linear, half the length of petiole; flowers small, yellow, axillary, solitary or few together; pedicels jointed near the apex; lower usually distant, longer than petioles, upper crowded, very short; epicalyx absent, calyx campanulate, triangular, acute or acuminate; petals-5, yellow, free above, slightly connate below, adnate to base of staminal tube; stamens numerous, stamina column dividing at the summit into numerous anther bearing filaments, anthers monothecous; carpels-5 or more, smooth, furrowed at back, awns-10, long, erect, covered with stiff, reflexed bristles; mericarps 8-10, compressed, trigonous, with retrosely hairy awns at the apex; seeds reniform. |