Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Thespesia pupulnea - (L.) Sol. ex Correa
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Paras pipal, Indian tulip tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Hibiscus populneus L.
Habitat Coastal area or planted
Color Of Flower Yellow/purple
Key Characters Small or medium sized tree.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small or medium sized tree, young branches densely covered with minute, peltate, brown to silvery scales; leaves cordate to orbicular, slightly lobed, acuminate apex, entire, 5-7 nerved with a glandular pore beneath between the nerves; petiole slender, longer than peduncles; stipules subulate, deciduous; flowers axillary, solitary or clustered, large, showy; epicalyx obsolete or sometimes 3-5, oblong-lanceolate, equaling the calyx deciduous; sepals deciduous, coriaceous, cupular with 5 distant teeth; corolla campanulate, light yellow with dark purple centre, petals-5, obliquely narrow, fleshy, twisted, connate, ciliate, rounded at apex, glabrous; staminal tube 5-toothed at the apex, filaments ascending; ovary 5-celled, style club shaped, 5 furrowed, entire or toothed, ovules few in each cell; capsule oblong, loculicidally dehiscent, depressed, scaly, ultimately glabrescent; seeds many, obovoid, angular, pilose with yellowish brown hairs. |