Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Urena lobata var. glauca - L.(Blume) Borssk
Family Malvaceae
Common Name Bachata Kunguya, Caesar’s weed
Habit Undershrub
Synonym Urena scabriuscula DC.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Leaves angular or shallowly palmatilobed
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial undershrubs, covered with sparsely, stellate hairs and some scattered simple hairs; leaves ovate or orbicular, angular, shallowly lobed, base cordate, rounded-cuneate, serrate-crenate, both surfaces denesly stellate hairy; leaves 5-7 lobed, lobes acute, 5-7 nerved, prominent below, 3 central or only midrib provided with a gland on under surface; petiole shorter than blade; up to 4-10 cm; stipules linear to lanceolate; flowers axillary, solitary or in clusters of 2-3; pedicels short; epicalyx segments oblong or lanceolate, longer than the calyx; cupular in fruits; calyx lobes ovate to deltoid, acute to acuminate; corolla pink with darker center; staminal tube truncate or minutely toothed, anthers nearly sessile; carpels 5, densely pubescent, echinate; ovary 5-celled, each 1-ovuled, opposite the petals; stigmatic branches 10, stigmas capitate; ripe carpels; shizocarps, globose, mericarp 5, covered with stellate hair with hooked, sharp spine at the top; seeds reniform. |