Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Urena sinuata - L.,Borss.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name lotloti, Caesar's weed
Habit Under shrub
Synonym Urena sinuata L.
Habitat Open places
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Leaves deeply palmatifid or palmatipartite
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Very variable herb more densly stellate hairy and usually with some scattered simple hairs; leaves serrate or palmatilobed to palmatipartite, leaves 5-7 lobed, cleft to more than middle, usually narrow at the base, lobes acute, 5-7 nerved, prominent below, 3 central or only midrib provided with a gland on under surface; petiole shorter than blade; epicalyx lobes as long as the calyx, linear-lanceolate; while fruiting, never appressed to the mericarps, more or less spreading or reflexed; sepals lobes-5, ovate to deltoid, acute to acuminate; corolla pink with dark center, petals-5, tomentose at the base, connate below, adnate to staminal tube at the base; stamens numerous, staminal tube truncate or minutely toothed, anthers sessile; carpels 5, densely pubescent, ovary 5-celled, 1-ovule in each locule, stigmatic branches-10, stigma capitates, purple; mericarp shortly acuminate, densely clothed with stellate hairs; seeds reniform. |