Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Adansonia digitata - L.
Family Bombacaceae
Common Name Gorakh imli, African Calabash Tree, Monkey's bread
Habit Tree
Synonym Adansonia baobab Gaertn.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Trunk bottle shaped; fruit indehiscent
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tree with thick trunk, very widely spreading branches, forming mushroom shaped canopy; leaves, digitate, glabrous, deciduous, 5-7 foliolate, leaflets obovate or lanceolate, pubescent beneath when young; flowers solitary, axillary, pendulous on long peduncles; bract large, white; calyx 5-lobed, cup shaped, leathery, persistent; petals-5, large, recurved afterwards, exceeding the sepals, adnate to base of staminal tube; stamens numerous, connate into cylindric staminal tube, divided above into numerous filaments; anthers monothecous, reniform; ovary 5-10 celled, style long, exserted, divided into many stigmatic lobes, as many as the cells in ovary, ovules many in each cell; capsule pendulous, indehiscent, woody, oblong-obovoid about 10-30 cm long, filled with tough and mealy, slightly acidic pulp; seeds kidney shaped, brown, shining. |