Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ceiba pentandra - Gaertn.
Family Bombacaceae
Common Name Kapok, Safed Semal, White Silk Cotton tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Eriodendrom pentandrum (L.) Kurz.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Creamy white
Key Characters Stamens 5.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A tall tree with smooth bark; trunk straight, tapering, green, young branches prickly, usually 5-7 in a whorl, horizontally spreading in all directions; leaves deciduous, glabrous, digitate, 5-9, entire or serrulate, leaflets lanceolate, cuspidate, glaucous beneath; petioles as long as or longer than the leaflets; petiolules very short; stipules small, caducous; peduncle club shaped; flowers pale yellow, appearing with the young leaves at the ends of branches, pedicellate, in clusters of 2-8; calyx cup shaped, glabrous outside, hairy or downy within, 5-lobed; petals-5, oblong, connate at the base, twice as the length of calyx, downy outside; staminal bundles 5, opposite the petals, connate below, filaments shorter than petals, anthers linear; ovary conical, style as long as stamens, stigma 5-lobed; capsule oblong to ellipsoid, fusiform, septa membranous, dehiscent; seeds numerous, pyriform or subpyriform, glabrous, black, enveloped in silky-wool. |