Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Abroma augusta - (L.) L.
Family Sterculiaceae
Common Name Ulat-kambal, Devill’s Cotton tree
Habit Large scandent shrub
Synonym Abroma alata Blanco
Habitat Planted, wild in hotter parts
Color Of Flower Purple
Key Characters Staminodes longer than stamens
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Straggling shrub with downy branches; leaves alternate, ovate to oblong, base subcordate, margin denticulate, apex acute to acuminate, 3-7 nerved at base, upper smaller, narrower, entire, glabrescent above, tomentose beneath; stipules linear, deciduous, as long as petiole; peduncle axillary, leaf opposed, subterminal or axillary cymes; flowers 5-6 cm across, purple red, sepals 5, lanceolate, free, connate only at the base, persistent; petals 5, free, lanceolate, scarcely exceeding the sepals, imbricate, concave below, prolonged above into a large spoon-shaped lamina, deciduous; staminal cup of 5 fertile and as many sterile appendages, fertile filaments opposite the petals; stamens columnar or tubular, many in a single ring, anthers 2-celled, oblong, 2-lobed, staminodes longer than fertile stamens; ovary sessile, pyramidal, many ovuled, truncate at the apex, styles-5, as long as the persistent calyx; capsule 5 angled, 5 winged, obpyramidal, villous at the edges; seeds many, obovate, albuminous. |