Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Dombeya cayeuxii - Andre
Family Sterculiaceae
Common Name Pink Snowball
Habit Shrub or small tree
Synonym Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Petals persistent.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Evergreen shrub with dense canopy; leaves, crowded at the ends of branches, cordate-ovate, 3-5 lobed, entire, dentate, acute at apex, velvety, long petiolate; flowers bisexual pink, white or red, showy, in pendulous, many flowered, much branched, cymes; bracteoles ovate-lanceolate, velvety outside; sepals-5, reflexed, connate at base, tomentose within, glabrous outside, persistent; corolla pink, petals-5, obovate, flatly spreading, glabrous, persistent; stamens-5, united into a short tube, antheriferous at the margins, staminodes alternating with anthers; carpels-5, syncarpous, ovary sessile, styles -5, linear, distinct, stigma simple; capsules 2-5 valved, loculicidally dehiscent, seeds 2-many. |