Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Helicteres isora - L.
Family Sterculiaceae
Common Name Kesari, Marod phalli, Indian Screw Fruit
Habit Small or large shrub
Synonym Helicteres Chrysocalyx Miq. ex. Mast
Habitat Deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Orange-red
Key Characters Fruits twisted
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large shrub; branches clothed with stellate pubescence; leaves simple, broadly ovate to suborbicular, oblique, abruptly acuminate, cordate at base, serrate or crenate, sparsely scabrous above and tomentose beneath, 5-nerved at base, petioles short; stipules linear, subulate, as long as petioles; flowers axillary, solitary or in fascicles of 5-8; peduncles 2-3 together in short, axillary cymes; pedicels short, pubescent; bracts minute, bracteoles small, subulate; calyx gibbous, laterally compressed, somewhat 2-lipped; sepals oblong, obtuse with winged claws, glandular near base; petals reflexed, reddish orange, very unequal, lower-2, much large, clawed; stamens 10, alternating in pairs with 5 minute, scaly staminodes, staminal column elongated, exserted, fused at gynophores, anthers 2-celled; ovary 5-loculed, many ovuled; styles united, as long as ovary, deflexed; follicles 5, beaked, pubescent, cylindric, spirally twisted; seeds many, angular, tubercled, wrinkled. |