Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Melhania hamiltoniana - Wall. ssp. abutiloides Arn
Family Sterculiaceae
Common Name Honey cup
Habit Shrub or undershrub
Synonym Pentapetes tomentosa Wall.
Habitat Wild on dry and sandy soil
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Staminodes ligulate, very small.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Undershrub with spreading, tomentose, branches; leaves simple, roundish ovate, subcordate, obtuse, pubescent on both surfaces, membranous, acute or acuminate, unequally toothed, whitish beneath; petiole 4-5 cm, hairy; stipules setaceous; peduncles axillary or terminal, usually 1- flowered; pedicels up to 1 cm; epicalyx-3, linear or cordate, persistent, often longer than calyx, recurved at edges; sepals-5, lanceolate, cuspidate, connate below, villous outside; petals-5, obovate, oblique, yellow, much exceeding the calyx; stamens 10, connate below into a very short tube, fertile stamens 5, alternating with 5-ligulate staminodes, anther cells parallel; ovary sessile, 5 celled, 1-many ovuled; styles-5, subulate, connate below; stigma- 5; capsule ovoid, shorter than calyx, villous, loculicidally dehiscent, 5-valved, many seeded; seeds, oblong, 4-sided, tubercled, albuminous. |