Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Waltheria indica - L.
Family Sterculiaceae
Common Name Halduli, Sleepy morning
Habit Herb
Synonym Waltheria americana L.
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Ovary 1-carpellary
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, erect herbs or undershrubs; stem sometimes procumbent, sparsely branched, villous; leaves simple, alternate, cordate to ovate, oblong, obtuse, serrate, tomentose on both surfaces; shortly petioled; stipules narrow, hairy; flowers bisexual, regular, small, yellow in axillary or terminal clusters, sessile or shortly peduncled heads; bracts narrow, villous bracteoles linear, ciliate; sepals 5, lanceolate, acuminate, connate below in bell shaped tube; petal 5, oblong, spathulate, wrinkled on margins, clawed at base; stamens 5, staminodes absent; filaments fused at base forming a short column, anther 2-celled, lobes parallel, clavate, pubescent; ovary sessile, 1-celled, ovules-2; style excentric; stigma club shaped; capsule small, included in calyx, 2-valved, 1-seeded each, membranous; seeds smooth, black, albuminous. |