Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Corchorus acutangulus - Lam.
Family Tiliaceae
Common Name Tilapat, Patsan, Jute, East Indian Mallow
Habit Herb or under shrub
Synonym Corchorus furcatus G. Don
Habitat Wild in open places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Capsule 6-angled, 3-winged.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Ascending, erect, annual herb or undershrub with stellate, pubescence; leaves more or lesshairy, ovate, base subcordate, margin serrate, apex acute, 3-5 nerved; petioles slender, hairy; stipules linear-subulate, shorter than petiole; peduncles opposite the leaves; flowers 2-3, small, yellow; sepals-5, linear-oblong, apiculate; petals-5, spathulate, without glands, longer than sepals; stamens numerous or twice as the petals, free or springing from a short, contracted torus; ovary 2-6 celled; style short; stigma capitate; capsules solitary or paired, elongate, 6-angled, 3 of the angles winged, truncate, beak 3-fid, sometimes 2-fid, septa between the seeds nearly obsolete or well marked; seeds numerous, dark brown. |