Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Corchorus olitorius - L.
Family Tiliaceae
Common Name Koshta San-pat, Jute, Jew’s Mallow
Habit Shrub or under shrub
Synonym Corchorus longicarpus G. Don.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Capsule glabrous, beak long.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, nearly glabrous, much branched shrub; leaves ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, 3-nerved, margin serrulate, lowermost serratures prolonged on either side into filiform, sharp points, acuminate at apex, stipules lanceolate, shorter than petioles; peduncles 1-3 flowered, shorter than petiole, pedicels very short; bracts lanceolate; sepals-5, oblong, apiculate; petals yellow, oblong or spathulate, slightly longer than sepals; stamens numerous, free, united at base, springing from a short, contracted torus; ovary 2-6 celled, style short, stigma cup shaped; capsule cylindric, 2-5 valved with transverse partitions between the seeds, 10 ribbed, beak long, erect; seeds many, trigonous, black. |