Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Grewia asiatica - L.
Family Tiliaceae
Common Name Phalsa, Dhaman
Habit Small tree
Synonym Grewia hainesiana Hole
Habitat Wild or Planted
Color Of Flower Red/yellow
Key Characters Leaves with white tomentose beneath
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial small tree with spreading crown, bark grayish-white, young parts covered with yellow, stellate pubescence; leaves roundish or broadly ovate, obliquely rounded or cordate, usually 5-nerved at base, subacuminate apex, often sublobate, softly tomentose on both surfaces, becoming less hairy at maturity, margins irregularly toothed, surface hoary beneath; petioles hairy, thickened at the top; stipules subulate, ensiform, nearly as long as the petioles; flowers small, pubescent outside, in umbellate cymes, peduncles axillary, 2-7 flowered, sometimes longer than petiole, bracts linear; sepals oblong-lanceolate, whitish-tomentose outside, reddish-brown or yellowish inside; petals linear oblong, yellow, emarginated, half as the length of sepals, glandular at base; stamens many on a raised torus, staminodes absent; ovary 2-4 celled, many ovuled; style equalling the stamens, stigma lobed; fruit drupe, globose or indistinctly 1-2 lobed, pilose, containing 1-2 albuminous seeds. |