Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Grewia flavascens - Juss.
Family Tiliaceae
Common Name Khat-khati, Donkey Berry, Sand Paper Raisin
Habit Small tree
Synonym Grewia pilosa Lamk. ex. Poir.
Habitat Hilly areas
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves with yellow tomentose beneath.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small tree or much branched, scrambling shrub, dark grey bark, deeply fissured and peeling away in stripes, reddish-grey and smooth, clothed with yellow, stellate hairs when young; leaves subsessile, obovate or lanceolate, rounded or cordate at base, 3 nerved, prominently nerved, dull green or almost silvery white above, fine stellate hairy beneath, apex tapering, margins irregularly serrate or entire, petiole very short, pilose; stipules subulate, acuminate; flowers in axillary panicles; pedicels as long as peduncles; sepals-5, linear; petals-5, linear, bifid, much shorter than sepals, glandular at base; stamens numerous on a raised, glabrous torus, scarcely exceeding the glands, anthers stellate hairy; ovary 2-4 celled, opposite the petals, ovules 2-many; styles stellate hairy, stigma 4-lobed; ovules many; fruits 1-4 celled drupe, reddish-brown when mature, edible, sweet but astringent. |