Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Grewia hirsuta - Vahl.
Family Tiliaceae
Common Name Gur-Sukri,Veronicifolia
Habit Wild shrub or small tree
Synonym Grewia roxburghii G. Don.
Habitat Open forest
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Young branches with brown tomentum;flowers white.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrubs about 1 m tall, younger branches brown, stellate hairy, older ones glabrous; leaves distichous, elliptic-,anceolate, acuminate, base oblique, 3-nerved, margins irregularly serrate, glabrescent or pilose above, densely tomentose beneath; petiole hairy, thickened at the top; stipules linear as long as petiole; flowers about 1 cm in diameter, peduncles 1-3, axillary, 2-4 flowered; pedicels very short; sepals-5, lanceolate densely hairy; petals-5, white, subsequently yellow, oblong, clawed, hairy outside, limbs obtuse, half as long as sepals, glandular at base; stamens numerous on a raised torus; ovary 2-4 celled, hairy, opposite the petals, ovules 2-many; styles as long as stamens; drupe subglobose, size like a cherry, somewhat 4-lobed, fleshy, sparsely covered with stellate hairs; seeds many, shining, brown. |