Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Grewia rothii - DC.
Family Tiliaceae
Common Name Bhansuli
Habit Shrub
Synonym Grewia bicolor Roth.
Habitat Wild in waste places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Young branches with white tomentum;flowers pale yellow.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Shrub with young branches whitish, soft, hoary pubescence; leaves asymmetrical, ovate, oblong or acuminate, margins serrulate, 3-5 nerved at the base, arched, glabrous above, hoary beneath; stipules linear, ligulate or subulate, longer than petiole; bract linear; flowers in axillary cymes, very rarely extra-axillary peduncled 2-3 axillary, 3-flowered, much longer than the short petiole; sepals-5, obovate, 3-nerved, greenish white, tomentose outside, reddish brown or yellowish inside; petals-5, oblong, bifid, glabrous, glandular at base, half as the length of sepals; stamens numerous on a raised torus; ovary 2-4 celled, opposite the petals, ovules 2-many; style as long as the stamens; drupe 2-celled, not lobed, pubescent, 2-4 seeded; seeds small, albuminous. |