Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Grewia serrulata - Baill.
Family Tiliaceae
Common Name Bhensuli, Kathbhewal, Kaori
Habit Small tree
Synonym Grewia barberi J.R.Drumm.
Habitat Planted or wild
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Sepals 12-15 mm long.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large shrub or small tree, slender branches; young shoots sparingly stellate, hairy; bark grey, rough; leaves distichous, narrowly ovate or lanceolate, acuminate, tapering towards apex, pilose on nerves beneath, margin serrate, 3-nerved at base; secondary nerves arched; petioles short, pilose; stipules linear-subulate, as long as the petiole; flowers solitary or 2-3 together, peduncles axillary, pilose, half the length of leaves; pedicels dilated upwards; bracts white, linear-subulate; sepals-5, linear-oblong, densely covered with stellate-tomentum outside, 3 nerved; petals-5, glandular at base, oblong-lanceolate, entire, white, half as the length of sepals; stamens numerous on a raised, short torus, opposite the petals, pubescent in upper half; ovary 2-celled, ovules 2-many, style hairy, longer than stamens; drupe fleshy, didymous, smooth, 1-4 lobed, about the size of a small pea, purple-black when ripe, 2-celled, 1-2 seeded; seeds small, albuminous. |