Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Grewia teliifolia - Vahl.
Family Tiliaceae
Common Name Dhaman
Habit Tree
Synonym Grewia arborea Roxb. ex. Rottl.
Habitat Hilly slopes
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves glabrous green beneath.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
A medium tree, young branches with purple tinge, pubescent; leaves large, obovate-ovate, dentate to crenate, hoary or coriaceous, glabrous or thinly stellate pubescent, rounded or obliquely cordate at base, 3-5-nerved, all nerves very prominent beneath; petiole short, pubescent, thinkened at the top; stipules small, leafy, falcate, acuminate; inflorescence axillary, 3-10 flowered cymes, peduncles much branched, as long as or longer than petiole; sepals-5, elliptic-oblong, subacute, tomentose outside; petals-5, yellow or creamy-white, elliptic-oblong; emarginate, half the length of sepals, glandular at base; stamens numerous, filaments long, springing from a raised glabrons, slender torus; ovary 2-celled, cells 2-ovuled, stigma lobed; drupe black, didymous, distinctly 2-lobed, globose, 1-4 cells sparsely hirsute; seeds small, albuminous. |