Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Triumfetta rotundifolia - Lamk.
Family Tiliaceae
Common Name Zipti
Habit Herb or undershrub
Synonym Triumfetta orbiculata Koenig.
Habitat Wild on dry and rocky places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves orbicular; bristles on the fruit pubescent.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, herb or undershrub with suffruticose, rough stems, younger parts stellately hairy; leaves coriaceous, suborbicular or rotundate, rugose, yellowish, glabrescent above and pubescent beneath, unequally serrated, 3-5 nerved; petioles with short tomentose; stipules subulate; flowers in interrupted racemes; pedicels very short; bracts ovate; sepals ovate, apiculate, tomentose; petals yellow, oblong, ciliated at base, apex emarginate; stamens 15-25, attached on a glandular torus; ovary usually 5-celled, 2-ovules in each locule, oblong, hairy; style filiform; stigma 4-5 lobed; capsules globose, pubescent, spines conical or subulate, hooked, dilated at the base; seeds black, albuminous. |