Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Malpighia glabra - L.
Family Malpighiaceae
Common Name Acerola, Barbados Cherry
Habit Small or large shrub
Synonym Malpighia fallax Salisb.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Pink
Key Characters Branches erect; leaves acute
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial large, bushy shrub up to 3 m high, with spreading, straggling or drooping branches, minutely hairy; leaves elliptic, oblong, obovate or narrowly oblanceolate, acute apex, cuneate base, fine, irritating pubescence when very young, mature leaves usually without hairs, deep green, glossy; flowers in sessile cymes; flowers bracteate, bisexual, pentamerous, large, showy, rosy pink; sepals-5, deltoid, free, persistent; petals-5, free, spoon shaped, fringed, pink; stamens-10, free or shortly united, filaments filiform, anthers oblong, glabrous; ovary 3-5 lobed, styles-3, stigma capitate or lobed; fruits indehiscent, succulent; drupes, bright red when ripe, ovoid with three large lobes, flesh yellow-orange. |