Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Tribulus terrestris - L.
Family Zygophyllaceae
Common Name Gokhru, Gokshura, Puncture vine, Goathead
Habit Herb
Synonym Tribulus terrestris var. cistoides (L.) Oliv.
Habitat Waste land
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Prostrate, branched, silky herbs or shrubs.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, prostrate, silky herb; leaves opposite, usually unequal, one leaf of each pair usually smaller or wanting, pinnately compound, leaflets 5-7 pairs, ovate-lanceolate, mucronate or acuminate, serrate, pubescent on both surfaces; stipules linear-lanceolate, persistent, spiny or hairy; flower pedicellate, white or yellow,1 cm across, solitary or on short, pseudo-axillary peduncles shorter than leaves; sepals-5, lanceolate, acute, scarious, minutely ciliate; petals 5, free, shorter than sepals, golden yellow, obovate, imbricate; stamens 10, inserted on the base of 10 lobed disc, filaments filiform, unequal, 5 longer, opposite to petals, alternating with 5 shorter, with a gland outside; ovary superior, sessile, hirsute, 5-12 celled, style short, filiform, stigmas 5-12, pyramidal; fruit of 5-12 indehiscent cocci, woody, globose, each with 2 pairs of hard, sharp spines, one pair usually longer than other; seeds 1 or 2 in each cocci, obliquely pendulous, exalbuminous. |