Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Geranium mascatense - Boiss. Voy.
Family Geraniaceae
Common Name Regal Geranium, Lady Washington
Habit Herb
Synonym Geranium oscellatum Jacquem.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Scarlet red
Key Characters sepals 5, sometimes spurred or saccate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, small, hoary, pubescent herb or undershrub up to 30 cm tall; leaves opposite, orbicular, palmately cleft, segments 5-7, lobes sparsely pubescent, cuneate 3-5 fid; stipules lanceolate; petiole with trichomes; flowers rosy red, bisexual, regular, solitary or paired, sometimes grouped at nodes with short peduncles; bracts- bracteoles present; sepals-5, rigid, ovate, mucronate, imbricate; petals 5, broadly obovate, much longer than sepals, imbricate, purple with a darker eye, glabrous, alternating with 5 glands; stamens 10, free or connate with nectaries at the base, filaments white, slightly monadelphous, glabrous, anthers purple; ovary superior, 5-celled, beaked, ovules superposed, 1 in each locule, styles-5, longitudinally stigmatose, stigma purple; capsule 5 lobed, beaked, that coils up elastically; seeds smooth. |