Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Averrhoa carambola - L.
Family Averrhoaceae
Common Name Kamarakh, Carambola
Habit Shrub
Synonym Sarcotheca philippica (Villar) Hallier f.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Purple
Key Characters Flowers chiefly in axillary purple panicles.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large, much branched shrub or small tree; leaves alternate, exstipulate, imparipinnate leaflets 2-5 pairs, sub-opposite, ovate-lanceolate, acute, glabrous above and glaucous beneath, base oblique; petiole stout, pubescent; flowers small, regular, bisexual, chiefly in axillary, purple panicles; sepals 5, glabrous, imbricate, half as long as corolla; petals 5, free, contorted, oblong-obovate, pink and white, variegated, glands absent; stamens 10, united at base, all perfect or 5 filaments shorter, without anthers; ovary 5-celled, pubescent, styles-5, stigma capitate, ovules many in each locule; fruit yellow, oblong or ellipsoid berry, acutely 5-angled or winged, fleshy, indehiscent; seeds arillate with scanty or no albumen. |