Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Biophytum sensitivium - (L.) DC.
Family Oxalidaceae
Common Name Lajalu, Little Tree Plant
Habit Herb
Synonym Oxalis sensitiva L.
Habitat Wild in open places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaflets 10-15 pairs; seeds with transverse tubercular ridges.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, erect, pubescent herb; stem simple, hispidly pubescent, slender or robust; leaves abruptly pinnate up to 12 cm, fascicled or almost whorled at the top of the stem; leaflets 6-15 pairs, sessile, opposite, oblong, midrib nearly straight, sometimes a little arched; peduncles very variable, hispid, sometimes swollen at the tip; bracts rigid, setaceous; flowers shortly pedicelled, dimorphic regarding the relative length of stamens and styles; sepals-5, lanceolate acuminate, glandular, hispid, usually much longer, exceeding the capsules; petals-5, yellow, oblong-ovate, twice as long as sepals, hispid; stamens 10 in two series, out smaller, free; ovary 5 celled, oblong, 1-2 ovules in each locule; styles 5; stigma notched or bifid; capsule few seeded, ovoid, oblong or sub-globose, splitting loculicidally in 5-valves with persistent, shining calyx; seeds minute with transverse tubercles and fleshy albumen. |