Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Biophytum umbraculum - Welw.
Family Oxalidaceae
Common Name African sensitive plant
Habit Herb
Synonym Oxalis gracilenta Kurz
Habitat Wild in open places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaflets 5-7 pairs; seeds with simple tubercles.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual, small, erect herb; stem 2-5 cm long, stout; leaves crowded near the tip, leaflets 5-7 pairs, small, reniform-obovoid, widening towards the rounded tip, coriaceous, lowest pair smallest, orbicular or ovate; middle ones truncate at base and terminal contracted with oblique base and arched midrib; flowers almost sessile, dimorphic regarding the relative lenght of stamens and styles; sepals-5, lanceolate, acuminate, glandular, hispid, much longer than capsules; petals yellow, oblong, twice as long as sepals, puberulous; stamens-10 in 2-series, outer smaller, filaments free; ovary 5-celled, oblong, 1-2 ovules in each, styles-5, stigma lobed; capsule few seeded, oblong, splitting loculicidally in 5-valves with shining, persistent calyx; seeds with simple, tubercles. |