Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Oxalis corniculata - L.
Family Oxalidaceae
Common Name Amlika, Amrulzak, sorrel
Habit Herb
Synonym Xanthoxalis corniculata
Habitat Wild in moist places
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Plants caulescent with creeping stem; flowers yellow
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or perennial, acid herb; branchlets creeping, rooting at nodes, appressed pubescent; leaves radical or alternate, digitate, 3-foliolate; leaflets obcordate, subsessile, obovate, margins entire, base cuneate or acute, apex emarginate, hairy; stipules, oblong, adnate to basal part of the very long petiole; bracts setaceous; flowers regular, axillary,1-6 in subumbels; sepals 5, lanceolate-oblong, obtuse, imbricate; petals 5, yellow, obcordate or notched, contorted; stamens 10, free or united at base, all perfect; ovary 5-celled, pubescent, ovules 1 or more in each locule; styles 5, distinct, hairy; stigma capitate or bifid, papilose; capsule subcylindric, pubescent, 5- angled, shortly beaked, loculicidal dehiscence; seeds 5-10 per locule, broadly ovoid, transeversely ribbed, acute, brown. |