Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa - (DC.) Lour.
Family Oxalidaceae
Common Name Khattimeethi, Lilac, Oxalis, Pink Shamrock
Habit Herb
Synonym Acetosella grandifolia (DC.) Kuntze
Habitat Ornamental
Color Of Flower Violet-purple
Key Characters Pedicels and calyx hairy; leaves obcordate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, acaulescent herb with bulbous root stock, bulb scales few, fleshy, 3 nerved; leaves erect, petioles long with dilated base, leaflets subsessile, orbicular, cuneate base, deeply notched apex, appressed hairy beneath; flowers 2-many in sub-umbellate corymbs; peduncles long, hairy; pedicels long; sepals elliptic, margins hyaline, 2 orange dots at apices; petals violet with dark purple or green streaks, hairy outside; stamens biseriate, free or united at base; ovary 5-celled, glabrous, ovules 1 or more in each locule, styles 5, distinct, 5+5, hairy, stigma capitate, papilose, terminal; capsule loculicidal, ovoid; seeds many with outer, fleshy coat which burst elastically. |