Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Oxalis latifolia - Kunth.
Family Oxalidaceae
Common Name Khatti-meethi, Broad-leaved sorrel
Habit Herb
Synonym Ionoxalis bipartita Rose
Habitat Ornamental
Color Of Flower Violet
Key Characters Pedicels and calyx glabrous; leaves obtriangular.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial herb; branchlets creeping bulbous at nodes; leaves digitate, 3- foliolate, leaflets obtriangular, cuneate at base, deeply notched with oblique, obtuse lobes, 2 glands below the notched apex; stipules small, ovate; inflorescence 8-12 flowered, subumbellate, peduncles very long, hairy; bracts minute; flowers small, attractive; sepals 5 with 2 glands at apex, elliptic-oblong, glabrous; corolla infundibuliform; petals 5, pink-violet with green veins; stamens 10, longer filaments inapendiculate, pubescent; shorter ones hairy; anthers oblong; ovary elongate,5-celled; style 5, glabrous, stigma papillose, discoid with wavy margins; ovules 4 in each locule; capsules subcylindric, pubescent, 5-angled, shortly beaked; seeds many, small, transversely ribbed, acute, brown. |