Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Tropaeolum majus - L.
Family Tropaeolaceae
Common Name Garden Nasturtium, Indian cress
Habit Herb
Synonym Cardamindum majus Moench
Habitat Ornamental
Color Of Flower Orange
Key Characters Succulent tuberous herb with watery juice.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Annual or biennial, procumbent, decumbent or erect herb; leaves alternate, long petioled, simple, peltate, orbicular or variously lobed, glaucous beneath; flowers solitary or fascicled, axillary, fragrant, zygomorphic, bisexual; calyx 5-lobed, united, produced into long spur; petals 5, yellow-orange, broadly rounded, clawed, slightly notched, at apex, two upper or posterior ones smaller, three anterior or lower longer; stamens 8, filaments filiform, anthers small, basifixed; ovary tricarpellary, syncarpous, superior, 3-locular; ovule-1, pendulous, axile in each locule, style simple, stigma 3-lobed; fruit of 3, indehiscent, 1-seeded cocci. |