Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Aegle marmelos - (L.) Corr.
Family Rutaceae
Common Name Bel, Bael, Bengal quince tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Aegle marmelos var. mahurensis Zate
Habitat Ornamental
Color Of Flower Greenish white
Key Characters Stamens many.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, armed deciduous tree, older branches with axillary, straight, strong, sharp spines; petioles 2-4 cm long, broadly winged; leaves alternate, trifoliolate, leaflets about 6-8 cm long, ovate, sub-crenate, terminal one usually larger with longer petiolule, lateral leaflets subsessile; inflorescence axillary panicles; flowers 4-5-merous, whitish-green, disk inconspicuous; calyx small, 4-5 toothed, deciduous; petals 4-5, spreading, imbricate; stamens numerous, inserted round the inconspicuous disk, filaments short, subulate, sometimes fascicled; anthers oblong, erect; ovary 8-20 celled, glabrous, broadly ovoid; style short; stigma capitate; ovules numerous; fruits large, globose, berry 5-15 celled, rind yellowish green, woody; mucilaginous pulp sweet, yellow-orange in colour; seeds embedded in sweet aromatic pulp, numerous, white, oblong, flattened, woolly pubescent. |