Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Citrus aurantium - L.
Family Rutaceae
Common Name Santara, Narangi, Orange
Habit Small or large shrub
Synonym Citrus reticulata Blanco
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Young shoots greenish white.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Arboreous spiny stem, young shoots glabrous, greenish white, armed; leaves unifoliate, leaflets 8-15 cm, elliptic to ovate, obtuse or acuminate, lamina gland dotted, tapering or emarginate at apex, margins irregularly crenate-crenulate, glabrous; petiole usually winged or margined; flowers bisexual white, large, very fragrant, axillary, solitary or few fascicled or in small cymes, or sometimes in racemes; calyx cupular or urceolate, 3-5 fid; petals 5, white, glandular, linear-oblong, thick, imbricate; stamens 20-25, polyadelphous, inserted round a large cupular or annular disk; ovary many celled, style stout, deciduous, stigma capitate; ovules 4-8 biseriate in each cell; berry large, fleshy, many celled known as hesperidia, sub-globose-pyriform; peel thick, rough, strongly aromatic, glandular, often bright orange in colour at maturity; endocarp juicy, glandular, segments easily seperable, septa membranous; seeds pendulous or horizontal. |