Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Citrus maxima - (Burm. f.) Osbeck
Family Rutaceae
Common Name Chakotara, Pumelo, Sheddock
Habit Tree
Synonym Aurantium decumana (L.) Mill.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Leaves beneath and young shoots pubescent.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small tree or large pubescent shrub; young shoots pubescent; leaves large, ovate, oblong, often, emarginate, pubescent beneath; petiole broadly winged; flowers large, fragrant, white, born in clusters in terminal racemes; pedicels short, hairy; calyx cupular, 5-fid, hairy; petals 4-5, creamy white, somewhat hairy on outer side; dotted with yellowish green glands; stamens 16-24, prominently in bundles of 4-5, anthers yellow-orange; carpels many, syncarpous, many ovules in each locule, septa membranous, cells few seeded, filled with fusiform, juicy glands; fruits large, subglobose or pear shaped, fleshy, pale yellow, rind thick, pulp crimson to pale pink or yellow, sweet or acrid, many seeded. |