Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Murraya koenigii - (L.) Spreng.
Family Rutaceae
Common Name Kadhi Patta, Meetha neem, Curry- leaves
Habit Shrub or small tree
Synonym Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Leaflets 11 or more; flower many terminal corymbs.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial shrub or small tree, branches strong smelling, cylindric, pubescent or tomentose rarely glabrous; leaves alternate, compound, pubescent or glabrous, leaflets 10-20, alternate or subopposite, usually lanceolate or rhomboid, irregularly crenate, oblique; petiolules very short; flowers ebracteate, very fragrant, 1 cm across, white, in much branched, terminal; corymbose cymes; calyx cupular, with 5 triangular, acute lobes, pubescent outside; petals white, linear-oblong, obtuse, gland dotted; stamens-10, alternately long and short, inserted on elongate disk; filaments dilated at the base, anthers small; ovary 2-celled, ovules solitary (rarely 2) in each locule; stigma capitate or grooved; fruit ovoid or sub-globose, indehiscent berries, shining, pale yellow, turning to red-black when ripe, usually 1-2 seeded. |