Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ruta graveolens - L.
Family Rutaceae
Common Name Sadab, Saturi, Common Rue, Herb of Grace
Habit Shrub
Synonym Ruta angustifolia Pers.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Leaves petiolate, alternate, simple or compound, lobes triangular.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Strong smelling herb, sometimes shrubby below; leaves petiolate, alternate, simple or compound, lobes triangular; ovate, ultimate segments various, often decompound; flowers in terminal, spreading corymbs or panicles; flowers green or yellow, actinomorphic, tetramerous, bisexual; bracts lanceolate; sepals 4-5, triangular, acute, persistent; petals 4-5, concave, imbricate, ciliate; stamens 8-10, inserted around the base of a thick 8-10 lobed, glandular or pitted disk; alternate stamens shorter; ovary 3-5 lobed, sessile, ovules pendulous; style central; stigma entire; capsule shortly pedicelled, obtuse 4-5 lobed, lobes indehiscent or dehiscent at the apex; seeds angled, embryo slightly curved with fleshy endosperm. |