Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ailanthus excelsa - Roxb.
Family Simaroubaceae
Common Name Mahaneem, Maharukh, Tree of Heaven
Habit Tree
Synonym Pongelion excelsum (Roxb.) Pierre
Habitat Planted or wild
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Trees with alternate, stipulate, usually pinnate leaves.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large, deciduous, lofty tree, up to 25 m tall; bark bitter, rough; branches tomentose with persistent leaf-scars; leaves compound, large about 30 cm long or more, alternate, unequally pinnate, rachis grooved; leaflets 9-14 pairs, elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, base unequal, margin irregularly toothed, apex acute or acuminate, pale beneath; flowers polygamous, small green in much branched lax panicles; calyx 5-lobed, equal, ovate-triangular, imbricate; petals 5, yellow, valvate, ovate to lanceolate, commonly reflexed; disk10 lobed; stamens usually 10 or twice as many as petals in bisexual flowers, filaments short, half the length of anthers, filiform, without scales; carpels 2-5, ovary deeply divided; styles connate, stigma capitate, ovule solitary in each locule; fruit 1-seeded samara, strongly veined, blunt or pointed at both ends, yellow, wings large, red, membranous, once or twice twisted at the base; seed compressed, solitary, pendulous. |