Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Balanites aegyptiaca - (L.) Delile
Family Balanitacceae
Common Name Hingan,Hingot, Desert Date
Habit Shrub or small tree
Synonym Agialid abyssinica Tiegh.
Habitat Wild or planted
Color Of Flower Greenish-white
Key Characters Sepals and petals 3-5.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small tree or shrub, with glabrous or puberulous branches, ending in very strong, sharp, spines; leaves 2-foliolate entire, coriaceous, puberulous, rounded at base, obtuse apex; petiolules very short; flowers small, green, fragrant, in axillary 4-10 flowered cymes; calyx persistent, sepals-5, deciduous, imbricate; petals 5, imbricate, distinct, ovate, velvety, twice as long as the calyx; disk thick, conical, entire; stamens 10, filaments, filiform, anthers dorsifixed; ovary conical, 1-2 celled, rising from the center of large disk and narrowing into a terminal style, entire; ovule solitary, pendulous; fruit 1-seeded, large, fleshy, oily drupes; seed pendulous, exalbuminous. |