Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Garuga pinnata - Roxb.
Family Burseraceae
Common Name Kharpat, Kekad, Grey downy balsam
Habit Tree
Synonym Guaiacum abilo Blanco
Habitat Wild
Color Of Flower Yellow
Key Characters Fruit globose, fleshy, indehiscent drupe, pyrenes not separating.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large tree with grey bark, branches pubescent, leaves alternate, exstipulate, imparipinnate, 25-30 cm long, crowded towards the ends of branches; leaflets more than 5 pairs, opposite, subsessile, lanceolate to ovate, entire, acuminate, oblique, crenate; flowers polygamous, small, pubescent, on much branched, axillary, tomentose panicles; calyx urceolate, pubescent, 5-cleft, almost halfway down; lobes ovate-oblong; petals 5, linear, valvate, inserted on calyx tube between the calyx teeth, crenate; disk large, completely clothing the tube of calyx; stamens 6-10; about as long as petals, inserted at the margin of disk; filaments hairy at the base; ovary 4-5 celled sessile; style long, stout, erect, hairy; stigma capitate; 4-5-lobed; ovules 2 in each locule; drupe indehiscent, black, fleshy, smooth, globose, containing 3 sometime 1-5, bony,1 seeded not separating, pyrenes; seeds solitary pendulous. |