Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Azadirachta indica - A. Juss.
Family Meliaceae
Common Name Neem, Margosa tree
Habit Tree
Synonym Melia azadirachta L.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Leaves 1-pinnate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large tree with straight trunk, evergreen branches; bark brown, very bitter; leaves crowded near the ends of branches, unipinnate; leaflets 9-15 pairs, subopposite, shortly stalked, lanceolate, acuminate, oblique or subfalcate, serrate, glabrous, shortly petioluled; base of petiole slightly swollen; flowers pentamerous, honey scented, bisexual; calyx 5-fid, lobes ovate or rounded; petals free, oblong imbricate, shortly ciliate; stamens 10 or 12, united into an elongated tube; anthers nearly equalling the obtuse teeth of staminal-tube; disk annular; ovary 3-celled; fruits indehiscent, drupaceous, ovoid-oblong,1-celled,1-seeded, smooth, yellow when ripe. |