Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Chukrasia tabularis - A. Juss.
Family Meliaceae
Common Name Chikrasi (H), Burma Almond Wood
Habit Tree
Synonym Chukrasia velutina Roemer.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower White
Key Characters Staminal tube cylindric, disc absent,seeds exalbuminous.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large tree, with reddish-brown bark; leaves alternate, perpinnate, leaflets alternate to subopposite, entire, acuminate, oblique, upper surface glabrous and shining, lower pale yellow and pubescent but not velvety; inflorescence terminal, erect panicles, equaling the leaves in length; flowers yellow-red, 4-5-merous; calyx short, 5-toothed; dentate, petals-5, free, oblong, erect, contorted, reflexed in open flowers; stamens 10, crenate, staminal tube cylindric, anther 10, erect, hairy; disk obsolete; ovary shortly stipitate, 3-celled, each with numerous biseriate ovules; style stout nearly equalling the length of stamens; stigma capitate; capsule, erect, woody, ovoid or ellipsoid, septicidally 3-valved, separating from the 3-winged axis; seeds numerous, 60-100 per locule, flat, winged below. |