Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Melia azedarach - L.
Family Meliaceae
Common Name Bakain, Bakiana Neem, Persian Lilac
Habit Tree
Synonym Azedarach commelinii Medik.
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Whitish purple
Key Characters Leaves 2-3 pinnate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Medium sized tree, up to 10 m high; erect trunk, broad crown; leaves 20-30 cm long, 2-3 pinnate, pinnae odd with 3-12 pairs of leaflets, opposite, sub opposite or alternate, ovate to lanceolate, usually serrate, more or less oblique at base, acuminate at apex; flowers pentamerous, bisexual, honey scented; calyx deeply 5-lobed, lanceolate-oblong; petals-5, free, puberulent, lilac, linear-spathulate, deflexed, white with purple tips; disk annular, stamens 10, staminal tube dark purple, acute, 20-toothed, longitudinally ribbed, glabrous; anthers nearly equalling the linear lanceolate teeth of purple, glabrous, staminal tube; ovary sessile, 5-celled, stigma clavate or capitate; fruits subglobose, 5 or fewer cells and seeds, fleshy; seeds 4, pendulous, ellipsoid. |