Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Swietenia macrophylla - King
Family Meliaceae
Common Name Mahogani, Big Leaf Mahogani, Honduras Mahogany
Habit Tree
Synonym Swietenia belizensis Lundell,
Habitat Planted
Color Of Flower Greenish white
Key Characters Leaflets up to 15 cm; panicles about 6-12 cm.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large tree with brown bark; leaves 35-40 cm long; leaflets 3-6 pairs, opposite, paripinnate; margins enitre, falcately lanceolate, very oblique at base, acuminate at apex, shining above paler beneath; panicles axillary, narrow, shorter than leaves; peduncles glabrous; flowers regular, bisexual, pentamerous, sweet smelling; sepals-5, small, distinct, imbricate, ovate; petals 5, oblong, twisted or imbricate, spreading, greenish white; staminal tube urceolate,10-toothed at apex, anthers 10, inserted on the inner side of tube between the lobes; disk large, annular, red; ovary 5 celled, many ovuled; style short; stigma somewhat lobed; fruit capsule, inverted, club shaped, woody; seeds dark brown, winged. |