Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Toona ciliata - M. Roem.
Family Meliaceae
Common Name Toon, Australian Red Cedar, Indian Cedar
Habit Tree
Synonym Toona ternatensis (Miq.) Bahadur
Habitat Moist areas
Color Of Flower Creamy white
Key Characters Filaments of stamens distinct.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Tall, deciduous tree with a spreading crown; bark grey or reddish brown, smooth, becomes rough, with shallow, reticulate cracks; leaves alternate, pinnate, leaflets 8-30, opposite, ovate-lanceolate, unequal at the base, glabrous, entire or wavy, base oblique, petioluled; flowers fragrant, small, white or pale yellow, pentamerous in drooping or sub-erect terminal panicles, very long, exceeding the leaves; pedicels short; calyx short, 5-cleft, divided nearly to the base; petals-5, free, suberect, ovate, imbricate, ciliate at margins; stamens 4-6, free, inserted at the top of the disk, sometimes alternating with staminodes, filaments subulate, anthers oblong, versatile; disk thick, raised, 4-6 lobed; ovary sessile, 5 celled, each with 8-12, biseriate, pendulous ovules, style filiform, stigma discoid; capsule dark brown, oblong, coriaceous, septifragally 5-valved; seeds many, pale brown, compressed, very light, winged below or at both ends. |