Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cassine glauca - (Rottb.)
Family Celastraceae
Common Name Dhebri, Jamrasi, Staff tree
Habit Small Tree
Synonym Elaeodendron glaucum Pers.
Habitat Deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Yellow-green
Key Characters Fruit indehiscent drupe, seeds not arrilate.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small tree or shrubs; bark grey, smooth, branches reddish, glabrous; leaves opposite or subopposite, coriaceous, ovate-elliptic, glabrous, acute or acuminate, crenate or entire margins, upper surface shining, lower glaucous; flowers polygamous, pale yellow-green in axillary, dichotomous, cymes; calyx campanulate, 5-cleft; petals 5, spreading, ovate-oblong; stamens 5, inserted on the margin of a thick, recurrved disk; anthers globose; disk flat, 3-lobed, fleshy; ovary 2- 4 or 5-celled, confluent with the disk, ovules 2 in each locule, style very short, persistent, stigma 3-5 lobed; fruits 1-2 seeded, ovoid succulent or dry, woody drupe; seeds without aril. |