Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Celastrus paniculata - Willd.
Family Celastraceae
Common Name Malkangini, Staff tree
Habit Climbing shrub
Synonym Celastrus acuminatus L.f.
Habitat Deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Yellow-green
Key Characters Scandent shrub, flowers paniculate, ovary free.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Unarmed shrub with young branches scandent or pendulous, stem terete with pink tinge; leaves simple, alternate, petiolate, elliptic-orbicular, crenate or serrate, membranous; stipules minute, deciduous; flowers yellowish green, unisexual, in elongated, terminal, pendulous panicles or racemes; calyx tube 5-toothed; sepals-5; petals 5, spreading, creamy white, oblong, rounded at apex; disk broad, concave; stamens 5, inserted on free margin of the disk, anthers large; ovary not immersed in the disk, 2-4 celled; style short, stigma 3-lobed; capsule globose, bright yellow when ripe, generally 3-valved and 3-6 seeded; seeds ovoid, brown albuminous, completely enclosed in a red, fleshy, aril. |