Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Ventilago denticulata - Willd.
Family Rhamnaceae
Common Name Keonti, Raidhani, Pitti, Lal-Bel, Staff tree
Habit Climber
Synonym Ventilago calyculata Tulasne
Habitat Shady places
Color Of Flower Pale yellow
Key Characters Unarmed shrub, fruit samaroid.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Large, scandent, woody climber; branches pubescent; leaves alternate, elliptic or ovate, serrate-crenate, base oblique, apex acute- acuminate, 6-pairs of costal nerves, pubescent; flowers in terminal, sometimes axillary, dense, paniculate spikes; calyx 5-fid, densely pubescent, lobes spreading, acute, obconical; petals 5, obtriangular; stamens 5, adnate to base of petals; disk 5-lobed, filling the calyx tube with margins free; ovary sunk in the disk, very pubescent, 2-celled, style very short, stigmas 2; fruit pubescent, indehiscent, prolonged into linear wing, 1-celled, 1-seeded samara, nuts enclosed at base by adherent calyx tube, ; seeds subglobose, exalbuminous. |