Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Zizyphus mauritiana - Lamk.
Family Rhamnaceae
Common Name Ber, Indian Jujube
Habit Shrub or small tree
Synonym zyphus jujuba Lamk.
Habitat Dry deciduous forest
Color Of Flower Greenish-yellow
Key Characters Petals spathulate, styles united above middle.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Deciduous, much branched shrub or small tree; branches thorny, drooping, young branches and flowers densely tomentose; bark rough, wood reddish-brown; leaves ovate-suborbicular, margin dentate, apex acuminate, strongly 3-nerved from base, glabrous, shining green above, white or pale, dense, woolly, tomentum beneath; stipular spines paired, one straight other hooked; flowers greenish-yellow, fascicled or sub-sessile, axillary, sub-umbellate cymes; sepals 5-lobed, spreading, tube broadly obconical, glabrous within; petals 5, subspathulate, very concave, reflexed; disk of 10, grooved, lobed, filling the calyx tube; ovary superior, 2-locular, styles 2, connate up to middle; drupes yellow-orange, globose, oblong or ovoid, fleshy and mealy, glabrous with 3-celled stone. |