Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Zizyphus nummularia - (Burm. f.) W. & A.
Family Rhamnaceae
Common Name Jharberi, Jujube
Habit Undershrub
Synonym Rhamnus numularia Burm.
Habitat Open fields
Color Of Flower Dull yellow
Key Characters Petals convolute, styles united up to middle.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Small shrub, up to 2.5 m high; branches widely divaricating, fluxuous, young branches puberulous, zigzag; leaves alternate, obovate, entire, serrate, mucronate, densely tomentose beneath, velvety above; stipular spines unequal, one spine longer, straight, reddish-brown, the other one curved, small and yellow; flowers in axillary, sessile, very short cymes or fascicles hardly reaching 1.5 cm; calyx pubescent outside, lobes-5 triangular, ovate; corolla obovate with convolute margins, greenish yellow; stamens 5, filaments short; disk 10- lobed with a pit opposite each lobe; ovary 2 celled; styles 2, united to above the middle; drupe globose, fleshy, orange, stone 1-4 seeded; seed plano convex, exalbuminous. |