Plant Detail
Botanical Name
Cyphostemma auriculatum - (Roxb.) Singh & Shetty
Family Vitaceae
Common Name Coastal Wattle
Habit Climber
Synonym Cayratia auriculata (Wall.) Gamble
Habitat Moist places
Color Of Flower Greenish white
Key Characters Stem spongy, succulent; leaves 5-foliolate;berries 1-seeded, red.
Systematic Position
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Plant Description
Perennial, extensive climber with spongy, succulent stems; young branches softly pubescent; tendrils leaf opposed, 2-3 fid; leaves large with long petioles, leaftets-5, eleptic-obovate or rhomboidal, acuminate, crenate to serrate, membranous, glabrous above and pubescent beneath; stipules large, hemispherical; flowers tetramerous, small, bisexual, greenish white in umbellate cymes, peduncles much branched, thick, weak, pubescent, succulent, longer than petioles; pedicel very short, fleshy; calyx cupular, shallowly 4-lobed, membranous; petals 4, obtuse, free, reflexed; stamens-4, inserted round the disc; ovary 2-celled, ovules-2 in each cell, style terete, stigma indistinct; berries red, smooth, succulent, globose, usually 1- seeded. |